Saturday, September 7, 2013

How can you control your sexual feelings

 Sex is a basic need or our life, Yes correct, but do you think it is so important that you cant live without it?
The answer is quite simple: NO
You can survive without sex, try this-cut your penis and slowly you will forget that you need sex. I can understand this is not the solution.

I am frustrated reading about rapes everyday in india. I am not able to accept the fact that some people can rape even 3-4 years baby.
I just tried to study why indian are so desperate for sexual pleasure that they are ready to pay any price for it, few of them don't mind even raping their own daughter , sister,

I tried to find a pattern as everything has a pattern, people behaviours must have a pattern too, i tried to study the religion, as you might know must of the indian are hindus and hinduism is the oldest religion of all, Hinduism has given the highest important to ladies, our god are mostly female, Lord Laxmi denotes money, wealth,
Similarly Lordy Sarswarti denotes education , knowledge. And Lord Durga denotes power.

Now when we have given so much respect to ladies in our holy books and culture, Why these things are happening?
1) We gave so much importance to them because our brahmins( educated) knew that we are more sick , crazy about sex.
2) Though we have these things in books, we lack one thing, we are not able to educate our people.
3) Our climate forces us to have more sex than other countries.
4)  We have lack of education.

Let me cut my point number 4, we are educated, let me tell you the fact, we are the first to find zinc, we are the first to know about the plannets and we are the first to know about the stars.

a) First to find the zinc
   We have first discovered zinc,
b) Plannets- Study astrology of india, we don't need any scientist to tell us how many planets are there and their features, we have linked them with our life.

c) Stars, study our marriage cultures and tradition  , you will understand how much we know about them.

Most interesting thing here is, we knew earth is round before galileo could tell us , in our books which are thousands of years old we are written earth as bhu gol - bhu mean land and gol means round.

I understand western people think they are much superior than us and they never gonna accept this, They think their knowledge is full and they don't need an eduction from a third world. But this is the fact ,Once upon a time south asia was full of knowlege.

Let's get back to our topic.
India or south asia rape because they are unaware of sex, they think sex is something out of this world, secondly they think girls are so sub pressed that they are never going to open their mouth and they can get away with it, time is changing, now you can't get away so easily.

1) parents
2) politics
3) Culture

Parents - parents think sex is something that shouldn't be discussed with their children, they will know when they get big enough.

Politics-Some parties are so against western culture and sex that they don't allow a girl and boy to sit in a park or go to discos.

Culture- Our culture has taught us that sex is bad before marriage and it shouldn't be discussed with our elders.

Can we change this?
 It will take time.

Can we change indian or sourth asian mentatliy
 It will take time.

Can we our about politicians?
They are among us, no! unless we don't change ourself

The most important thing is nothing will change unless we change ourself.

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